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From iconic advertising campaigns to style guides and what not to wears.
Our blog offers an oversight into the world of mens fashion, from the downright bizarre to the upscale on trend.

  • March 14 2017 – Robert Fiumara

    3.14 is Pi(e) Day! Who Wants a Slice?

    3.14 is Pi(e) Day! Who Wants a Slice? Today is not only a great day for math lovers, but for everyone who happens to love pie. That includes pizza pie as well!      What is Pi exactly? Well, it is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. The official symbol for Pi (π) was first...

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  • September 02 2015 – Robert Fiumara

    The Art of Frying Food

    When you think of frying foods, southern cuisine probably springs to mind. But you’d be incorrect to assume that only southerners enjoy fried foods: fried foods appear on 73% of menus across the country. Fried food is a trend that’s here to stay but to keep your customers happy, you can’t just throw any food into a vat of oil...

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  • January 22 2015 – Robert Fiumara

    January 2015 Roundup

      If you’re curious about the latest trends in the culinary industry, you’re in luck! Here’s the latest round up for January:   Coconut Sugar The use of coconut oil in baking, cooking, and even healthcare was widespread in 2015. Now, the latest and greatest is coconut sugar! With regular white sugar to blame for diabetes, obesity, and chronic health...

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  • January 09 2015 – Robert Fiumara

    Downton Abbey Theme Party: Don’t Forget the Food!

      If you’re a fan of the popular PBS series, Downton Abbey, you’ll be thrilled to learn that the fifth season premiered on January 4th. The popular show, which chronicles the lives of the aristocratic Crawley family and their servants as they navigate the early twentieth century, is well-known for staying true to the time period, especially when it comes...

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  • December 05 2014 – Robert Fiumara

    Culinary Industry Boosts State Economies

    A new report unveils that the culinary arts, and the food industry in general, is helping to boost local economies, including those in Kentucky. A recent study reveals that in Kentucky, 2.5 percent of jobs are made up of people in creative industries, including culinary arts. Additionally, the creative industry and its jobs generated nearly $2 billion in earnings in...

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  • November 20 2014 – Robert Fiumara

    Turkey Tips: Advice for a Fabulous Thanksgiving

      If you’re a David Letterman fan, you might have seen actress Katie Holmes make an appearance on the late-night show and reveal plans that she’ll be attempting her own Thanksgiving feast this year. Let’s look at some ways for you to make the most of your culinary strengths at home!   Consider Local Restaurants, Meal Prep and Leftovers!  ...

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