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Organic & Conventional: What's the Difference and Why it Matters

August 02 2016 – Robert Fiumara

Organic & Conventional Food

There are a number of differences between organic and conventional food. The type of food you eat will play a major role in the amount of money you spend, the key nutrients you are going to receive and what poisons you are going to put in your body. The food you eat also plays a role in the amount of pollution going into the planet's atmosphere and whether the tax dollars are going to increase or decrease. However, the differences go even further than that. Just check out some of the key differences between organic and conventional food below.

Genetically Modified

In the vast majority of countries, you aren't allowed to genetically modify organic food. This means that you are getting the food in its purest form. With conventional foods, that's a whole different story. These foods are often genetically modified.

Synthetic Fertilizers

Any organic crop has to be grown without using any sewage sludge-based or petroleum-based fertilizers. This means your food is free of any toxins that could end up contaminating the food and making you ill. Only natural fertilizer is used on these crops.

Pesticide Exposure

Synthetic pesticides aren't allowed to be used on organic produce. In fact, there can't be any pesticide residue in excess of 5 percent of the maximum amount allowed by the EPA. If the food has a higher amount of pesticide than that, it cannot be labeled as organic.

Preservatives Or Flavor Enhancers

When you buy any conventional food, you can almost guarantee there are going to be added preservatives and flavor enhancers added to the foods. With organic food, everything is all-natural and nothing has been added to the food. You are the one in control of what you want to add to your food.

Antibiotics In Livestock

Conventional livestock is given antibiotics, while organic livestock isn't allowed to be given any antibiotics. In fact, they aren't allowed to be given anything that could end up altering the taste of the food.

Livestock Care

Many people don't realize that organic livestock has to be given access to the outdoors so they can roam around. With conventional livestock, they are often stuck inside of a factory farm with very little room to move about. They are often squished on top of one another. You can watch the movie Food Inc. for additional information.

Any organic food cannot be genetically modified in any way, shape or form. If the food has been altered from its original state, it cannot be given the organic label. With there being so many different ways that the two foods vary, the choice seems pretty clear on which one is the better of the two. However, it is up to you to determine which one is going to meet your needs better. 

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